Mission Statement
The Professional Paralegal Register (PPR) is a voluntary registered scheme to promote professional paralegals as a recognised fourth arm of the legal profession and to enhance consumer choice and protection.
- Provide easier and less costly access to justice for the consumer (to comply with the main provisions of the Legal Services Act 2007) by having a published register of qualified members.
- Develop career paths for paralegals with employers both laterally and within the specialist sectors in which they operate.
- Support and help paralegal businesses in offering a competent, professional and ethical regulatory framework.
Key Behaviours adopted by us are:
- Transparency
- Employer / Consumer Awareness
- Robust Standards
- Clarity of objective
We will champion good practice by:
- Encouraging and Maintaining Independent Involvement
- Providing on-going Review
- Ensuring Consistency of Approach
The PPR voluntary regulatory model has been developed after consultation with many stakeholders and regulators in the sector, to ensure that it is fit for purpose for the management of those risks perceived or real that are associated with Paralegals operating outside of the regulatory sector.
The Register Regulatory Committee, assisted by the Advisory Board have evaluated the Rules, Policies and Procedures deemed necessary to deliver a proportionate regulatory function whilst understanding the need for diversity and growth of the sector for employer and consumer benefit.
Our focus is on securing greater consumer protection by tailoring our regulatory approach in order to offer specialists in one area of law that can deliver services to the consumer to meet their needs.
We equally support businesses that employ Paralegals and wish to ensure that their staff are competent and compliant with the sector’s professional standards.
In supporting and promoting the Paralegal profession we aim to support our members in being and maintaining compliance by adopting a risk-based approach to our regulatory activity. We will act promptly to protect consumers when it is necessary to do so.
Business Plan
Please download the PPR Business plan