This Policy may be cited as the CPD Policy and came into force on 1st May 2023. This Policy supersedes all previous editions of the CPD Policy. The CPD Policy must be read in conjunction with the Code of Conduct, the Paralegal Practitioners’ Rules, the Practising Certificate Rules, and the Complaints Procedure.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is any relevant and valid education or training by a Paralegal that enables them to develop their professional knowledge, skills and abilities.
CPD should cover:
- Law – procedure and practice
- Client care skills
- Practice skills
- Organisational and management skills
Members of the PPR are responsible for their own professional development in accordance with the PPR Practice Rules.
CPD is required to be undertaken by Tier 2 Paralegals and above.
Members at Associate level and above are required to undertake a minimum of 12 hours of CPD in each year of practice.
3 hours must be gained through formal means such as:
- Attendance at a legal conference
- Seminars
- Workshops
- Courses
- Training
- Publishing papers, articles or books
4 hours may be gained through private study; taking part in consultations; in-house training; reading journals or books; and/or preparing training materials or presentations.
Records and Monitoring
Members must complete an annual CPD record in good faith and will be required to produce their record in response to any request made by the PPR at the end of their practice year.
A Member may, in extenuating circumstances, apply for an exemption of up to 4 hours CPD. Such a request should be made by email to [email protected].
If a Member has not complied with the requisite CPD requirements and is not entitled to an exemption, the PPR will investigate. Following such investigation, the PPR may sanction the Member. Sanctions may include the permanent or temporary revocation of PPR membership, if appropriate. A Member’s CPD record may be used by the PPR in any complaint investigation that alleges lack of knowledge or incompetent practice.