The PPR Handbook

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The Professional Paralegal Register is in the process of compiling a handbook which will be made available to all of our member’s in the coming months.

It is our aim at the PPR to always set the highest standards and to ensure that our members are fully equipped to provide the most professional and highest quality of work and service to the general public whom they are dealing with, at all times.

We believe that in making a PPR handbook available to our members it will act as an extremely useful tool and benefit ensuring that they are up to speed with the most current information regarding the PPR and its rules and policies whilst also acting as a resource that members can refer to for guidance, knowledge and support.

In order for members to consistently meet the highest level of expectation in their work as a paralegal and to minimise any risk to the consumer, it is of the utmost importance that you as a member of the PPR have a thorough understanding of our Strategy and Aims; Code of Conduct; and of the Rules and Requirements that we currently have in place.

Ultimately, the PPR endeavours to support all of its members at all times to ensure that you as a paralegal are not only recognised for your professionalism but that you are also placed in the best position to offer your clients complete reassurance and peace of mind in the work that you are doing for them.

Therefore, we hope that our members will find the handbook to be a highly beneficial resource that provides valuable knowledge and information whilst also assisting you to achieve the highest standards in your profession.

We look forward to being able to share the PPR handbook with you in the near future.

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